To create an Engagement Letter template, select the Documents tab and click Add new document template.
Fill out the template name and click Save new template.
A message will appear to let you know the template has been saved. Click Reload page to select or use the F5 shortcut to refresh the page.
When the page refreshes you will be taken back to the Comms tab. Click on the Documents tab and select your new template from the drop-down menu. You will now be able to type out or copy/paste your engagement letter into the Template content field. You can edit the formatting using the tools at the top of the editing field.
The chain icon on the far-right of the tool bar can be used to add links to your template.
Highlight the text you wish to turn into a link and click the chain icon. Paste the link URL into the field and click save. The text will turn blue once the link has been added. You can edit or remove the link by clicking on the blue text to bring up the link.
Use the Help tab to view the available tokens you can include in any of your templates. A token is a field that will be automatically customised by Seamlss for every email or document you send.
For example, if you use “Dear {{CLIENT_NAME}}” at the start of your template and you send an engagement letter Mary Jane, she will see “Dear Mary Jane” at the top of the letter. {{DATESTAMP}} will automatically convert to the date the letter is sent.
Whilst Seamlss provides an example template, every firm should use an engagement letter unique to their specific requirements. Each firm will have different data collection practices, software, and location requirements that need to be accounted for.
These requirements are dictated by the Tax Practitioners Board, you should consult the TPB website to understand what needs to be included.
“If you are a member of a recognised professional association, you may be able to get a template from your professional association. However, even if you are using a template or sample letter, you should consider obtaining legal advice in relation to the letters of engagement you provide (or propose to provide) to your clients.”
– Tax Practitoners Board
For more help, go to the professional accounting body your firm is registered with. Resources are linked below.