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Why attend Xero Roadshow and how to maximise the event

ttending a Xero Roadshow can provide valuable information and resources for firms who use or are interested in using Xero accounting software and its related tools. The roadshow may include presentations and demonstrations of the software’s features, as well as opportunities to network with other users and Xero staff.

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Seamlss Integrates with Stripe Identity

Global identity tool, Stripe, helping Seamlss expedite the transition from physical to digital While the onboarding process primarily consists of submitting the required documentation and clients granting access to business financial data, the steps firms take

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Secure your firm & stay cyber safe

As the internet becomes increasingly integrated into our daily lives, online security becomes more and more important. Information that was once only accessible to large businesses is now available to anyone with an internet connection. While

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Fastest XPM Integration Built

We now have the ability to add as many firms as we can to the platform with the 25 XPM connection limit lifted. We’re excited to help as many firms improve their onboarding as possible.

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